My Story
I am so happy you are here! I'm Nicole, a wife, a mother, an aunt, a sister, a daughter, a hairstylist, and now a Life and Empowerment Coach. I wear a lot of different hats in my life and I love every one of them. However, I wasn't always so open to expansion in my life. I played it small for most of my life. It was comfortable and honestly, I didn't know any other way. I was on the path of just living my life the same until I die, I mean why not. Funny enough I always felt like I was missing something I just didn't know what.
After becoming a mom I really started to look at myself differently. I wanted to be a role model to my girls but how could I do that when I didn't even know who I was? I was caught up in the societal pressures of looking the "right" way, using external people to validate myself, and also trying to buy my happiness through material items. I shamed myself for not having it all together like everyone else seemed to. One day I was in the car listening to this podcast, and he was talking about how we hold our happiness inside of us. How material items bring happiness for a moment and then it wears off and we need the next thing and so on..always leaving you with the sense of needing more. HOLY SHIT! Talk about right place right time. I heard that message very clearly and decided my new journey to being the best role model I could be was to start looking inward. So, I got myself a coach! We started my process with healing generational patterns. Then we dove into figuring out and connecting to my authentic self, my true self. Lastly, and most importantly, I began to take accountability for my life and stopped blaming everyone else. The true self is all about accountability.
Through that process, I grew as a person. I made changes and developed daily habits(rituals) that set my soul on fire! I knew my life purpose was developing. I am here to share and connect with others so they too can step into their power, worth, and true self. The alignment of self is something no one can break and will bring you all the joy you need with no external validation or material items.
"You heal yourself, you heal your life and everything changes around you.
It all starts with you."
My Mission
My mission in life is to wake up everyday with the Courage to Change, love and grow as a woman. I want to be fully present and alive in life, to radiate joy and share my process of growth. I will inspire others to connect to their authentic self. My heart is at its fulliest when I witness others stepping into their power and growing. Lastly, I will be a role model to my daughters through my actions. I will show them I am doing the work that I share so passionately with them and others.